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Code of Ethics of the Icelandic Union of Journalists (2023)
Approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Icelandic Union of Journalists on March 23, 2023.
Robust and professional journalism, with freedom of expression as its cornerstone, is essential for democracy. It relies on professional practices, which this code of ethics aims to define. Emphasis is placed on the journalist's primary duty to the public, who have the right to receive truthful information presented in a fair and honest manner. Journalists are expected to know and adhere to this code in their work.
Article 1
A journalist is guided by the truth, defends freedom of expression and free media, and upholds the public's right to information to ensure the necessary accountability in a democratic society.
Article 2
A journalist presents information honestly and fairly to the best of their knowledge, including seeking opposing viewpoints when appropriate. A journalist does not manipulate facts or present unfounded accusations.
Article 3
A journalist corrects inaccuracies when necessary.
Article 4
A journalist views all information relevant to public interest as accessible and has the full right to obtain it.
Article 5
A journalist does not use threats or coercion to obtain information.
Article 6
A journalist distinguishes between facts and opinions, verifies the reliability of information, and ensures that coverage remains objective.
Article 7
When citing comments or information that have been publicly shared, including on social media, the journalist must specify the source of the statements.
Article 8
A journalist respects the confidentiality of their sources.
Article 9
A journalist does not accept bribes, gifts, or favors intended to influence their coverage. Journalists avoid conflicts of interest and must disclose any relevant connections to the subject matter when necessary. Journalists do not participate in activities that could compromise their independence and credibility and do not exploit information for personal gain.
Article 10
A journalist does not commit plagiarism.
Article 11
A journalist does not mix editorial content with advertising, whether in images and/or text.
Article 12
This code does not restrict journalists' freedom of expression. However, a journalist ensures that their personal opinions do not affect the objectivity of news reporting.
Article 13
Anyone who believes that a journalist has violated the above rules and has a vested interest may file a complaint with the Ethics Committee in accordance with specific procedural rules.