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A strong quality journalism, where freedom of expression is paramount, is a prerequisite for democracy. It is based on professional practices that this Ethics Code is intended to build the framework for. The code emphasizes that a journalist's primary duty is towards the public, who has the right to receive truthful information presented in a fair and honest manner. Journalists must know and follow this Ethics Code in their work.
A journalist is guided by the truth, stands up for freedom of expression and free media and the public's right to information, so that the necessary checks and balances can be provided in a democratic society.
A journalist presents information in an honest and fair manner according to the best of his knowledge at all times, including by seeking opposing viewpoints when appropriate. A journalist does not manipulate facts and does not make unsubstantiated accusations.
A journalist corrects errors if necessary.
A journalist considers that all information of public interest should be accessible and that he should have the full right to obtain it.
A journalist does not use threats or coercion to obtain information.
A journalist distinguishes between facts and opinions, verifies the reliability of information and makes sure that the coverage is objective.
A journalist makes sure that when quoting comments or information that have been published, including on social media, he includes a reference to the source of the information.
A journalist respects the confidentiality of his sources.
A journalist does not accept bribes, gifts or favours of any kind intended to influence his reporting. A journalist avoids conflicts of interest and discloses connections to the subject if applicable. A journalist does not participate in projects that may endanger his independence and/or credibility and does not use information for his own benefit.
A journalist does not practice plagiarism.
A journalist does not mix editorial content and advertising, neither in pictures nor in text.
This ethics code does not restrict journalists' freedom of expression. A journalist is careful that his personal opinions do not affect the objectivity of reporting.
Anyone who believes that a journalist has violated the Articles listed above and has a legitimate interest involved, can complain about the alleged violation to the Ethics Committee of BÍ according to the relevant rules of procedure.
Adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Union of Icelandic Journalists on 23rd March 2023