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14th June 2021, 12:00 – 14:00 (GMT), Nordic House in Reykjavik and online
A global decline in press freedom has been observed over the last few years. The Nordic countries are all among the top 16 countries on the World Press Freedom Index for 2021, but how is the situation for the media, journalists and investigative journalism in Iceland compared to the other Nordics in 2021?
Welcome and introduction
Main speakers and Q/A (45 minutes) – moderated by Aud Lise Norheim, Ambassador of Norway
Panel discussion focusing on developments related to press freedom and the situation for investigative journalism in the Nordics (60 minutes) – moderated by Ann-Sofie Stude, Ambassador of Finland
Reception at the Nordic House – hosted by the Nordic Embassies and Representations
The event is organized by the Union of Journalists in Iceland and co-sponsored by the Nordic Embassies and Representations in Reykjavik